
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Last Minute

Ed pointed out to me a few weeks ago that I never do last minute things with the horse. I usually have it planned well in advance.

Apparently I decided to prove him wrong by signing up for this clinic.

Between work and Ed away I didn't have time to make sure that everything was ready well in advance (although I did give my bridle a quick clean on the weekend).  I spent three days this week away for work.

Last night I dreamed that I showed up at the clinic without my hay or shavings and had to drive back to get it. I spent the rest of the night making mental lists even though I have a physical list that I made this year and it will make sure that I am ready.

I might be getting a bit OCD as I age.

I am thinking that this is good for me- I don't have to have everything with Carmen planned down to the last detail. We should be able to pack up and go and have it all be fine.


Carmen thinks I worry too much. Of course she's not the one having to pack or anything


  1. You are nearly the complete opposite of my life with horses LOL! Pretty much everything I do is last minute: a quick text to squeeze in a lesson, run and grab tack between dinner and night fall, scan the show schedule for one I can join last minute like this weekend. Good luck at the clinic!

    1. I can (believe it or not) do that with a lot of things. But doing something with my horses seems require a plan of military porportions!

  2. I used to do the same thing before a show. The trailer would be packed at least a day ahead. It’s not OCD it’s peace of mind!

    1. See- now I feel better! or at least less lonely. :) I almost ALWAYS have the trailer ready the day before.

  3. Sometimes the universe knows what you need and will conspire against your OCD-ness (ask me how I know, lol). You and Carmen will rock this clinic, you've spent so long laying such a good foundation!

    1. lol. Life lessons, enough already! I'm not too worried about the clinic just that I will forget something!

  4. I think it's natural to plan more as you get older. When I was young, I had a lightning quick mind and could do things at the last minute without problems, but now, even if I plan ahead for weeks and obsess over it, I still forget an astoundingly high number of things.

    1. Good point. We also have tons of experience with the issues forgetting things causes!

  5. Ha! From one compulsive planner to another, it will be perfect and awesome :D

  6. Great photo! I have the dream of forgetting the hay still because of the time I ran out at a ride, and had to go around begging. So embarrassing, people don't normally bring tons of extra hay to ridecamp.

  7. I make lists of what I need to pack lol. So no, completely normal! I am so excited to hear your recap from the lessons!!

  8. By now you and Carmen probably have a good routine. I think it is mainly getting rid of the worrying part.

    1. You are so very wise and were proven correct. :D

  9. Hay, shavings, tack, what else do you need? Oh yeah, the horse, don't forget the horse:)

  10. Have a great clinic! I used to make lists and plan but trailering out to weekly lessons ended that. Now its a quick shoulder check of bridle/saddle/girth/brushes=check and go. Shows started out super planned this summer (eventing has two saddles and two outfit changes which added to the stress!) but by the end I found I was just shoving things in the truck last minute as well (and some things just ended up living in there...) :P

  11. I wing it all the time. Of course, I have managed to show up at events without things. Like the one time I forgot my bridle. But I'm sure there's no connection between the two. Purely coincidence.

  12. IF you're becoming OCD as you age, & I've been OCD since birth, I sure hope that means I'm getting more laid back as the years go by.
    I just consulted Mr Shoes, he said that I am definitely more relaxed, but he was doing something with his eye brows....

  13. OCD can work for you. Nothing worse than being unprepared.

  14. there's something somehow kinda liberating to know that you've done what can be done and the rest is just gonna go how it's gonna go. i hope you guys have a blast and that it's a really productive and fun clinic experience!

  15. I do love a good list! I am not really a planner though, there is way too much winging it in my life. I should really try to be more like you!

  16. Absolutely. Your last clinic was a success! Don't stress it.


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