
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Perils of Optimism

This is us boldly going... where exactly? 
I consider myself an optimistic person. I tend to believe that things will work out. This keeps me persistent when things don't always work out the way I want. the upside is that this sense that it will all work out has helped me with Carmen.

I have kept my clinic experiences with Johanna and Sue Leffler with the purpose of improving my relation with Carmen. And putting on miles. This has really paid off. I am a firm believer that money is best spent on regular lessons rather then clinics. However, on my last trail ride with Nancy I commented that I felt that I could now take Carmen to a clinic to focus on advancing our skills.

Which brings me to Jacqueline Brooks. She comes to Nova Scotia regularly to teach clinics and they are always full. I have seen Jacqueline ride and I quite like her style and how she seems to just love riding.
guess who else love riding? Me. 

In the summer I was talking to Julia (who hosts the clinics) about things in general. I mentioned that if there was ever room I would love to do one of the clinics. I felt it would be a fun stretch for us. 

An easy thing to think when you don't believe that there would be room. Unfortunately I was unable to do the Joahanna clinic this fall because of work and personal commitments. And I seem to be missing doing it. So when I saw that Jacquie was coming in early November I figured I would audit. I mentioned it to Shanea and she suggested we do a semi-private.  I thought that sounded great but figured it wouldn't happen. 

Even though I e-mailed Julia and asked if I could join the clinic, I still .believed it wouldn't happen. 

I was resolved to be graciously  disappointed.

Then I received an email from Julia: 
"Amazing news. I was just talking to Jacquie. She says she will fit in an extra lesson. You guys are in!"
um, what? 

And that is how I ended up in a clinic with an international dressage olympian in about 10 days. 

I blame my optimism. 

Truthfully, I am excited. I think it will be a great opportunity for us. 

But what am I going to wear? 

So if you are in the neighbourhood of Sheffield Mills, NS on November 3 & 4 stop on in and audit. Jacquie is a great teacher and there will be some very nice horses there. Not to mention a fiery Spanish mare.



  1. That is so exciting! Hope you have fun and learn a lot.

  2. Great news, you’ll have a wonderful time and so will Carmen!

  3. I think blogger ate my comment -- super excited for you, and I wish I we're closer so I could take photographs for you!

  4. Replies
    1. It really is. Until I think about it far too much.

  5. That's so exciting. I can only imagine how much you'll learn.

  6. Congratulations! That is so exciting for both of you guys. I can't wait to read about it.

    1. thank you! I hope I can remember enough to take coherent notes!

  7. Oooh - sounds like a great opportunity!! Can't wait to read all about the exciting and fun time you and Carmen have :D

    1. I would like to go for more fun and less 'excitement'. :D

  8. Oh heck yes! Super psyched for you. Hmm...wear something weather appropriate first of all! I know it's getting colder here and I bet y'all are, too. Then make sure it's comfy...and then stylish/cute? And of course, it has to be something that shows off Carmen and yourself! ;-)

    1. aaah! I hope I can look put together and not like a homeless dressage diva!

  9. Happy for you (and jealous). Get pictures and video!

    1. Thank you! I am jealous of all the riding you do on the trails. I will do my best to get photos/video.

  10. Ohh, I love her! Lucky you to have her coaching nearby! Have fun!

    1. Thank you for that. She's not technically near by but it's nice that she comes this area.

  11. Congratulations! There definitely is something to the idea that we get what we focus on.

  12. How fun! I love clinics, be sure to give us a full report :)

    1. I know you do. I hope that I learn to love them as much as you. And of course there will be a full report.

  13. I agree regular lessons are better but sometimes a clinic just gets you excited again and wow what a cool clinic to go too!

  14. Very exciting! I like lessons best, but clinics are always a great bonding & learning experience, too. Have fun!

    1. Since Shanea will also be there it should be VERY useful.

  15. omg that's so cool, please take so many notes so we can all live vicariously!!!! :D

  16. That's so AWESOME for you & Carman! Look forward to reading about it.


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