
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride

I was not only happy after our show weekend, I was also exhausted. I was grateful that I could simply park the trailer to unload the next day. It was nice to take my time and not have to be pressured for anything.

Cynthia came for a visit and we tacked up the horses. Carmen gave me a bit of a stink eye but I had a plan for our ride that did not really involve schooling at all. I told Cynthia to do what she wanted and let me know when she was done. I simply wanted to walk Carmen and stretch out our tired muscles. I started off with a nice walk and then added in circles and changes of bend.

In truth I was just enjoying the ride. It was nice to sit in the saddle with no agenda or plan. I was completely unconcerned about the corners. Meanwhile Irish was having a ball. I was pleased to see that he was sound in front and appeared to feel good.

We moseyed towards troll corner.
Carmen:  I think I'm going to be scared. 
Me:  no you aren't scared of it. 
Are you sure? 
I have this memory that I am worried. 
Not anymore. It's fine. 

Irish trots by: Guys! Guys! Look! Hey Guys! Look at me go! 

Carmen: Geldings are so silly! 
Me: I think he's having fun. 
Carmen:  It's embarrasing. Oh those bushes. Could be dangerous. 
Me: Nope. We are warriers and can deal with any monsters that come out. 
Carmen: Have you been watching Wonder Woman again? 
Me: Maybe...but it is an awesome movie. 

 I can totally see the resemblance

We carry on walking and stretching.

Irish and Cynthia canter on by. Wheeeee! 

When Irish and Cynthia were done Carmen and I dropped the gate. Carmen tried to rush out so we spent some time leaving and coming back and then standing in the gate. Once she decided to stand like a civilized beast (FINE!) we walked on.

We walked out on the trails taking our time and chatting. Sometimes Irish led and sometimes Carmen did. It was a great way to finish up the weekend.

My plan is to give Carmen a bit of break from the training. She and I have worked pretty hard since April. The weather is actually helping- it's too rainy to ride. I had thought about not riding for 2 weeks. We shall see how long I last with that plan. But I think this fall we will continue our lessons but also go and play as well.

Anyone want to play with me?


  1. Yes!! Right now I really wish I had a trailer so I could do more trail rides and fun things. I feel like we've also earned some fun time. Then again, by the time I get my farrier drama figured out we'll probably be ready to go back to work again haha.

    1. Fun can be had close to home as well. I hope that the farrier stuff is sorted out too.

  2. I think you've got a great plan for the fall. I'm a big believer in giving horses a break from training and letting them have some play time. It's good for us too to give our minds a break. Have fun!

  3. Ohmygoodness, she does look like the movie horse!

    Having a rolling dialogue like that seems like it could be really helpful. Because, let's face it, horses usually act on our thoughts and emotions whether we mean for them to or not.

    1. I do like talking to her. And she really could be a star. :D

  4. I love to just play. It's part of why my progress as an equestrian is so little. My trainer will give me HW and I'll be like, maybe I'll just go trail ride to the winery instead or ride bareback. But my goal has always been to have fun. Competing is part of the fun for me, but I like to mix it up. I'm glad you're having fun.

    1. I used to be all about the training but now I take a more casual approach. Most of the time. :D

  5. Not ride for 2 weeks? I don't see it...

    I would so love to come & play in your neck of the woods (if it weren't numerous days of hauling, that is).

    1. Ha. I doubt I'll make 2 weeks but having a week off has been good.

  6. You and Carmen put in a LOT of hard work this summer, I think its totally logical to take some time to just decompress and relax. Not that I've been training hard any time recently, but the year I was chasing points and showing every other weekend, once the season was over, I kicked both horses out to pasture for a solid month and just gave them cookies and bareback hacks. That might not be the right answer for Carmen, but I think a lot of trail riding and relaxing might be a good reward for her (and you!).

    1. I think that it makes sense to have a break for everyone.

  7. ha yessss go and play!!! the play is the fruit of all our training labor after all anyway, right?? :D

  8. Excellent plan. I had a trainer who used to follow every day working or racing barrels with a day on the trail. All of her horses were producing big for her clients, so it must have worked. Enjoy yourself and all you've accomplished.

    1. I don't think that anyone does well with just work and no play.

  9. Hahaha, I love the conversations you do in your post - the "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME GUYS" from Irish had me giggling.

    And I am also starting to decompress a bit and just work on some fun, random things. I rode Annie bareback two nights ago and we just toodled - practiced some leg yielding, sidepassing, backing up, trotting, and just standing around. It was nice to not have a huge agenda and to just amble around a bit.

  10. Hi, I wanted to tell you I started my medic training this week and won't be riding at all during this first two week period because I have to study in all my spare time. It's way more challenging than I expected, even though I was a CNA in a former life, and then there's the language barrier making it even worse. I like it though, I can see that working out of an ambulance would fit with me. Today I learned the defibrillator and intubation and I can't say much more cuz I'm learning the terms in German and don't even know them in English. I know you work in healthcare, that is why I bring it up, and that my horse won't get any work for a while, and that's fine with me. It's cute how my horse tries to get my attention during this time, following me around, wondering why he's so neglected.

    I'm happy you had such success with Carmen lately, in new challenging places.

    Teacher, "Don't hit the button on the defibrillator until you've told people you're about to hit it!"

    Me, "I have a 10K volt electric fence. I know about warning people before flipping it on!"

    1. That dialogue was funny- I wonder if he understood? Good luck with your training

  11. I was thinking it was time to chill out with the training regime soon too. Can never have too much fun!

  12. Sounds fantastic! And great to hear Irish is feeling okay

  13. I'd love to come play with you, but the trailer ride is a bit long :)

  14. Sometimes taking a break and just playing/moseying is the absolute best thing you can do, both for yourself and the horse. Enjoy the downtime!

  15. I would totally play! Although I think maybe Aria and I have been on a 'break' for too long and need to start visiting the dressage court again.


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