
Thursday, August 3, 2017

Youthful Enthusiasm

I remember when I was much younger I had endless reserves of energy. Now, not so much so I have to be careful how I 'spend' it. I need to treat it as a precious resource. 

I mentioned in my last post that my niece, Caelen was visiting. She came last year as well. I am always amazed that any teenager would want to spend time at our farm but I assume that figure she must be horse/dog/country life crazy (perhaps taking after her aunt?). She has been riding Irish fairly regularly but not doing too much more than walk because he's nursing an abscess. Typical Irish - the symptoms come and go and then get really bad right before it blows. It's been fun to ride with her in the ring - occassionally stopping to give her some directions. It's been good for Carmen too because she has to stop and stand in the middle (practicing patience) and then go back to work. I also use her as an example to demonstrate bend, etc. She seems to be quite happy about that although she can get a little restless standing there while I talk. 

It was also helpful to have Caelen because she helped with a birthday present. My house/critter sitter's grand daughter is obsessed with horses. I offered a pony ride for her birthday and we made arrangements for it to happen. Caelen led Irish around while I gave some instructions. Mom and Grandma also came but were very good at not interjecting, instead they took lots of photos. I love watching Irish with young children. He takes this job very very seriously and is very careful to not do anything that would jostle them. I mean look at his face here: 

PC: Joanne 
Is that not a face of total care and concentration. I think that he would excell at being a therapeutic riding horse for adults and children who need to be led around. As you can see, Marissa had a ball and really did not want to get off. 

Irish and I are benefitting from the youthful enhusiasm of Carmen and Caelen. This weekend we are headed to our third show in the schooling show circuit. I am riding T2 & T3. We can definitely do the moves, it just whether we can work together mentally. 

I'm liking how her neck is developing
Here are my goals for the show: 
1. keep Carmen on the aids and prevent any spooks
2. make sure that my warm up is focussed on getting her supple and coming from behind. Not always easy to do when she's feeling tight. 
3. do a credible stretch trot and free walk (I want to score at least a 6 and would be ecstatic with a 7). 
4. Have fun. 
I would be happy with this in the show
Our  ride times are an hour apart- not enough to let her totally relax but too long to stay on her. Any tips? I was thnking of puttig her in her stall to pee and have a drink but leave her saddle on. Is that a good idea?

Also, I took a deep breath and sent in the entry form for a rated show in Sept. It will be bigger and busier with a lot more to look at. The show ring is actually in an hockey arena . But Shanea will be there and I know we're ready in terms of the moves.


  1. Aww Irish and that kiddo are precious!! Good luck this weekend, I think your plan to let her hang in the stall for a minute without pulling the saddle sounds solid. And eek, so exciting about the recognized show!!! How is September already next month??

    1. I have no idea how the summer has gone so fast!

  2. Wow! I'be only been gone 3 weeks but Carmen looks so much different. Her topline has filled out, especially in the neck! Nice job.

  3. Irish is a jewel. What a sweetheart. The girls look like they're having a ball.

    Good luck at the show. I would put her in the stall. I'd put her in a stall for a pee and a drink. I usually would take the saddle off because if she's at all sweaty she might just decide a nice roll would be in order. Or you could just loosen the girth and let her hang for a while. It's really up to you. Have fun.

  4. Irish looks so sweet. Yeah, energy is definitely a resource to be rationed.

  5. Oooh exciting about the show!! And hour break is definitely tricky but workable. Agreed on keeping the saddle on - honestly tho you'll probably have a good sense of what she needs after the first ride, esp on what kind of warm up you'll need for test 2

  6. I would definitely leave her saddle on.

    You're going to kill it just like you did last time!

    1. Well not exactly but no one died. So there's that.

  7. Good luck at the show! You two are going to do great!

  8. Good luck. Depending how much warm up you need, I usually pull all the tack off.

  9. Irish is such a gentleman!

    And I vote to leave the saddle on also! Good luck and have fun :)

  10. It's so nice that you have Irish to share with friends and family!

  11. Irish is so sweet! Good luck with your show!!!

  12. Don't you love assisting in the beginning of horse addiction? I know I do. Good luck at your show & have fun.

  13. Love the look on Irishs' face, but the little one & your niece are adorable also - horse crazy girls can rule the world!

  14. Irish reminds me of my Old Red. Some horses are just meant to do that job and they take great pride in it. Good luck this weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing about it!

  15. Good boy Irish! Carmen's neck looks lovely, good luck at the show!


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