
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Soft Eyes

I had great plans to ride on Saturday but Mother Nature had other ideas and it rained pretty much the whole day. The weather apps had all predicted clearing in the afternoon but that did not happen. It seems that we were the only area that had rain all day.

Sunday morning I was not taking any chances and decided that Caelen and I would ride in the morning. It was a bit foggy and drizzly but I decided we would go anyway. It was an interesting ride- Carmen was very forward and was clearly thinking about spooking.

However, within 5 minutes my glasses were covered with a fine mist of water drops and I really couldn't see very well. The universe was hazy. that made things very interested. Instead of getting more worried and tense I decided to relax and go with it.  In Centred Riding there's a concept of 'soft eyes'. The idea is  that by relaxing your eyes you can take in more peripheral information and have a better awareness of your body. It wasn't that I couldn't see- I could, but it was like looking through a rain spattered window.

And do you know what? She didn't spook at all.

I don't know how much more evidence I need that my reaction to her reactions can make things better or worse. In my defesne, cycles are hard to break. I am working on it though.

We spent a lot of time working on transitions. I wanted her to reach for the bit going both up and down. I realized that I was tightening my thighs in the down transitions which was making her pop up. I had to really focus on stilling my seat without clamping my thighs. Once I was more aware of that our tranistions improved a lot. Even our trot-canter transitions were straight and not at all flail-ly.

We finished by going on a trail ride though the woods. Caelen and Irish led us through. I am very impressed with Carmen - she's definitely alert in the woods but listening. I think I may end up my hacking horse after all.

not from that day but still shows our view :)


  1. Hooray for both a good ride with both spooking, and also a nice hack! 😁

  2. Oh man do I feel you on our reactions influencing theirs. Cycles are SO Hard to break. I've been riding Q in a western saddle that gives me confidence against her shenanigans and helps keep me more stable through them. She hasn't spooked in 3 rides and has become less wiggly/tense with each. I haven't chastised or done anything to discourage her at all; I've just stayed settled and quiet. Funny how everything changes so simply.

    1. It can be a vicious cycle. Congratulations on changing yours!

  3. Horses are so sensitive to our every movement. I'm glad you're getting these moments of clarity and vision. Yes, I think she will be a wonderful hacking horse with the partnership you've forged.

  4. Glad you had a wonderful ride!! We've been having miserable weather too.

    1. We were dry so needed the rain. It should just fall when it's convenient though. :)

  5. Relaxation and calmness is the key when riding any horse. It's hard to do sometimes with built in reactions we've developed over years but it's a good place to rethink our riding habits. You and Carmen have come a long way and I like how when you relax she does too for the most part. Lovely place to hack.

    1. I need to keep working but we are getting there.

  6. Congratulations on a really fun ride!

    1. Thank you. We're having far more fun rides then not these days.

  7. I have a couple of friends that always take their glasses off when they jump. They can see the jump but everything is a little less focused and their horses go well. Now that you've experienced how good Carmen was when you definitely had soft eyes that should help you keep reminding them. Exhaling and making sure you have soft eyes will really help your upward and downward transitions. Soft eyes free your occipital joint which in turn allows your pelvis to follow your horse better. Keep it up girl! You're both doing awesome!

    1. Not sure that that would be a good idea for me given the state of my vision but I get it! Thank you for your continued support. :)

  8. That first picture of her is gorgeous. Riding sensitive horses is oth a blessing and a curse. It is great when they are so in sync with you it feels like you are one mind but then it back fires as they perceive every emotion.

  9. Yay for Carmen seeming to enjoy hacking out! It's sooo beneficial for them when they're willing to relax!!

  10. Ooh, I like the concept of soft eyes. I'll be borrowing that!

    1. I think you would really enjoy a Centred Riding clinic

  11. Yay Carmen!!! Nice to see you both progressing. She looks so different now. Her carriage is really nice.

  12. I am never not amazed at how much our personal awareness matters. It makes such a difference.


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