
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Some Updates

Thank you everyone for your kind words about Martin. He's on the mend. I can tell by how he's demanding to go out. Our discussions go like this:

Martin: I want to go out. 
Me: No, you're not well enough
Martin:  I am so. Let me out, NOW-owowow
Me: You can't even jump on the couch yet. I'm not letting you out 
Martin:  I hate you. You're ruining my life. I shall tromp over to the bed in a huff. 
Me: Martin, it's time for you medication tuna. 
Martin:  I love you. 

Carmen continues to school well. Cynthia's daughter rode her the other day and did very well dealing with her shanigans. I know because the next time I rode her she was soft and responsive. She brought a friend who rode Irish as well.

poor Carmen, so exhausted by this evil young woman
ohh, hack? Let's go! 

Irish: stop crowding, I'm not going any faster

Guinness has learned the joys of swimming. We walk to the lake and he swims for a bit and then we walk home.
carrrying his stick to the lake
after the swim. Apparrently wet sticks taste even better
He loves to be with me whereever I go. Except for the car. He's still not a fan of that although it's getting better. He gets a bit carsick but hasn't thrown up in a while so I think he's outgrowing it. 

This week we got the last of our hay for the year. It's a hard job but I love the smell of fresh hay in the barn and there is satisfaction knowing I'm prepared for the winter. 

Tomorrow Carmen and I head off to show #2. I am very excited about it. I am not sure how she feels but I think she'll have fun too. 


  1. Good luck at your show! A fresh, large pile of hay that will carry you through the hard winter is one of the best sights.

    1. thank you! A pile of hay warms the horsewoman's heart.

  2. i hope you have a wonderful time at the show, take lots of pictures!!! carmen also looks great with her new young rider friend!

    1. I am not sure how many I can take as I will be all by myself. But will try.

  3. We're behind on our hay this year, haven't even started! Yikes. So I'm extra jealous that you're done for th year! Glad Martin is feeling better, and good luck at your show!

    1. I'm surprised - I would have thought that your hay is ahead of mine!

  4. It's fun to watch others ride our horses! I love it when dogs go down the trail with something in their mouths - it's impossible to be scared of a dog whose mouth is full: ) Gosh look at the neck on Carmen. I wonder if anyone ever mistakes her breed, I cannot see it happening.

    1. He looks adorable carrying his stick that's for sure.

  5. Aww, so glad Martin is feeling better. we have a kitty who sounds just like him and he's such a huge part of our lives. Best of luck at the show tomorrow!

  6. Wet sticks are the bestest.

    Good luck at your show!

    1. Guinness is happy that you understand him. :D

  7. Hey, you know how you said, "odd duck" about that odd duck lady? Well today she texted me something funny and I responded with LOL and she said, "What is LOL?"


    She wrote back, "Does it mean 'great'?"

    Whoa! I wrote back, "It means laughing out loud."

    She replied, "In German please."

    Whoa. She works at Deutsche Telekom! You know, the big pink T?

    1. lol. She sounds amusing. I would probably drive her crazy.

  8. I hear angels sing whenever my horse improves after someone else riding it. I had a trainer who could make Rock soft and responsive in 20 minutes. Good luck at the show.

    1. It is great to watch others ride your horse. You can see what before you only felt.

  9. Good luck at your show and have so much fun!!

  10. Good luck at your show!!! And glad to hear that Martin is on the mend! :D

    1. Thank you. I'm glad too. I hate when an animal has the pained, haunted look.

  11. Good luck at your show and glad Martin is in good spirits!


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