
Friday, May 12, 2017

Warm up

This is the weekend where Carmen and I do our first show.  I spent the morning getting ready and packing the trailer.  I then loaded Carmen.  

Whatever other issues she has she's great with the trailer - she self loads, travels quietly and arrives calm. She waits for me to unload her-it's so easy.  

I spent time walking her around and then I tacked her up. Fortunately, we were all in the ring. I llunged her a bit but then more horses came in and she was being fine so I got on. 

She was not fine with me riding. The universe was scary and she was in no mood for directions from this insane woman who clearly was too stupid to see the danger.  I stuck out the refusing to go forward , to bend.  I rode out the leaping at the patch of sunlight on the fence. All the other patches were fine but THAT ONE was clearly evil. I rode out a bolt and even  couple little rears. 

The others were very kind about our shenanigans and gave us space. Finally she came to a place of settling where I could give directions without "shouting". The other riders left and she was okay so I thought about stopping. But I took a deep breath and we rode..and she was fine. I read through one of  the tests and it was not terrible. I stopped and hopped off.  

This is why we're here- to put on the miles and to learn to trust each other in new situations.  One day she will stop feeling like she has to test everything.  Not today but maybe tomorrow ...

Wish us luck because we're doing it. 


  1. This is a test, this is only a me happily thru dog shows & agility courses lol

  2. Sounds like the show has already been a success, but i hope you do well in your classes and bring home some pretty ribbons. You two have earned them!

  3. Have so much fun! I'll cross all my crossable that she settles in so you don't have too much stress to deal with but no matter what it will be great since you're working on getting some good show exposure :)

  4. I agree with The Dancing Donkey - the show has already been a success! Everything else will just be the sugar on top. Waiting with bated breath for your next update!!!

  5. Ugh, I hate the warm up ring when I'm riding green horses. Riding through it is the only cure though so good for you! Good luck today!

  6. Maybe the crowded arena added to her angst. She's used to working alone, in a quiet environment. Just a thought... Jackson HATED crowds.

  7. Well maybe you got out the boogers today? Good luck in your test and its just for miles but a ribbon wouldn't hurt either

  8. Oh man, this is exciting tho!! Obviously we always hope for really great experiences when we finally get to shows, but as you say. Mileage is mileage. Good luck and I hope Carmen surprises you (in a good way!) during the actual tests!

  9. Best of luck, although it sounds like you've already had a successful outing! :)

  10. Yes! This sounds like you turned what could have been a scary situation for Carmen into a great learning experience. I wish you the best of luck!!! :-)

  11. Shenanigans! Definitely keeps you on your toes.


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