
Saturday, April 15, 2017

On Discipline and Bridges

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments" ~ Jim Rohn

Spring has decided to make an appearance and stick around. The peepers have started which is how I know when it's spring.  If you don't have peepers- they are tiny frogs that start to sing in the spring evening. I love the sound.

And I've actually ridden 4 times already this week. (pause for dramatic effect)

 Isn't that wonderful?

Our rides are going very well. There are a few dramatic moments but we work through them and move on. I can get her into spooky spots with gentle persuasion and sticking to the plan. Yesterday, while Cynthia and I were riding our husbands were tightening the fence in the back pasture. Apparently that was incredibly scary when they were down by the woods and Carmen bolted and almost took Irish with her (sorry Cynthia). We got it back under control and then returned to work. Not that there wasn't some tenseness at times but she didn't lose her mind and we were able to carry on working with stuff.

Working with Carmen requires that I practice self-discipline. I can't let my emotions take over and I can't be buying into her drama. But I've noticed a big change this year in my own confidence with her. And as we deal with things successfully our confidence grows. Where last year a bolt would have killed the whole ride and probably made me dismount- now it's just a bobble in the session and we can carry on.

I carry treats in my pockets and when she's being very very good about something I stop and give it to her. She likes this and will nicker as I bring my hand forward. It's really cute.  Her freaking out is no longer freaking me out - I just give a laugh and we carry on. I'm not laughing at her and no I don't think leaping sideways is a good thing but she wouldn't be Carmen if she wasn't dramatic and I'm not going to argue with her. I'm just trying to show her that it's all okay. We even went on a little ride around the field with Irish this week. She spooked at a stick on the ground and danced sideways. I straightened her out and gave her a pat It does kinda look like a snake, doesn't it?  and we carried on. She walked on (albeit a bit briskly).

Earlier this week I was riding her and she was being very good so I stopped after about 30 minutes. I took of her saddle and bridle and put on her halter. I then took her out of the ring to the bridge that Ed had built (I finished it last week). My goal is to have a little set up of obstacles outside of the ring so that we can train inside and play outside.

I wanted to start working her with it- I had no agenda with this obstacle- I planned to start slow and see how far we could go. I thought I would approach it the same as with trailer loading- make each step small and easy. Carmen followed me up to the bridge and I let her stop and look at it. She was uninterested but we'd been walking by it for months now so that made sense. I asked her to take one step and put a foot on it. And then back off. Then two feet. Then all four. Then I asked her to walk over it and she did. There was zero drama, my lead line was loose for all of it and we were both very relaxed. With each step we stopped to graze as a reward. We walked back and forth and few times and it was a total non-event. I would have been fine if we just had a foot (or two) on it.

I'm fairly sure I could have gotten her on it last year but it would have been far more dramatic. Now we cross that bridge on our way in and out of the ring and it's easy. I haven't ridden her over it yet but that is soon. And I don't think it will be a problem. But if it is I will dismount and we will try again because that means I pushed her too fast.

Yesterday I received an email that we could now submit our entries to the show. It's great- we can actually do it on-line which makes life so much easier. I sat down and filled out the entry and hit 'send'. And do you know what? I'm excited. Not because of any shiny ribbons we might win because I don't care.  I strongly suspect that our scores will vary between 3 and 8 depending on the movement (or lack thereof). I want us to take our show on the road and have some fun. I enjoy showing and I have missed it. For a horse like Carmen I believe that she's only going to learn to do well at shows by showing.  So we're going.

I'm working on it.

and for those of you who want to know how Guinness is doing (looking at you Farmbuddy) here's a video- look how much he's grown!


  1. Great work with Carmen. Not buying into her drama is definitely changing her attitude. Nice work with the bridge too. I'm sure you'll both do fine at the show.

    Guinness is getting big. He's so cute playing with the stick and his buddy.

    1. She is changing. She still tests at least once per ride but I suspect that will fade if I can stay the course.

  2. Hey, I appreciate that video!! Guinness is HUGE! He looks great, and I am so happy to see the two playing together. You know how I always worry about older dogs! Scout is now back to 100 percent! Thanks for the Guinness update!

    1. d'Arcy is pretty good at letting Guinness know if he's gone too far which should help when he's older.

  3. Yes she has come so far this past year and no drama is a good ting for her to get from you. And I always figure a show is a good place to let me know what I need to work on (lots usually lol)
    Wow Guinness looks like a dog now, not as much puppy

    1. I am sure that I will learn a LOT at the show. LOL. And he's growing but still has his baby personality. :)

  4. That is a nice looking bridge!! I want one. I've set up a couple obstacles in my arena that I'll be posting about, but nothing that fancy. Obstacles sure test the trust between us. They have to give up a lot of control. I think it says a lot that she did all of it for you on a loose rein!!

    1. I would love to see your obstacles- I'm looking for more ideas....

  5. Guinness is growing up fast! He is really a handsome pup. Looking back always helps to put things into perspective. A year seems to take forever when your doing it, but an does it go by fast.

  6. I'd love to have some obstacles out back for the boyz. I can picture driving them over your bridge. She's doing so well, all thanks to your perseverance. Guiness is becoming such a handsome sturdy little boy!

    1. You should completely do it. It will be fun for all of you.

  7. I love the laughter thing! I taught myself to do that whenever Katai spooks and it's amazing how it defuses tension and makes it so much easier to deal with. I'm so happy for you that you're having such a great week!!

    1. I find it works for me. I think that not everyone understands it but that's okay.

  8. I love that quote! 4 times a week... I am so jealous... there is snow on the ground here again :(

    1. It's so good to be back in the saddle. I'm sorry that you still have snow.

  9. Wow. That puppy is growing up too quickly. I laugh at my ridiculous beasts when they spook at stuff or act up. If I took it too seriously I'd never have any fun.

    1. Yes I agree- it's better to laugh then get frustrated (not that I'm always good at not getting frustrated)

  10. That's so great that you entered the show!

  11. Yes, be excited about this! Taking your lovely beautiful mare out and show her the world. And to the world. It's an amazing feel to train with them and then finally getting them out there, in an actual show ring. I love it. Then if they win or not, who cares!?

    Fingers crossed for you :)

    1. Thank you so much. It's not about the winning at all but the getting out and having fun.

    2. Standing by for a report afterward!

  12. So excited for you both for the show!!

  13. "Where last year a bolt would have killed the whole ride and probably made me dismount- now it's just a bobble in the session and we can carry on." YES! THIS! Psyched for you. And I need to remember to carry treats on board when I get back to work with Miss Q. That'll help her, too. I'd love to recondition her to stop and literally look back to me for treats instead of her drop shoulder (and drop rider) and run behavior!

    1. I hate the drop-spin-bolt move. It's very hard to stay with. Carmen is learning to enjoy the treats.

  14. Oh man I'm so excited for you!!!! Carmen just sounds like she is in such a good place and has developed so much confidence in your training methods !

    1. It does seem that she's more trusting of me now. Karen did comment on it.

  15. Yay for self discipline. I have been working on myself to not buy into and react to my mare's drama. It has really helped when I do not react and just talk/work her through it. The talking might be more for me, but it works.
    I am glad you are going to a show and are excited about it! It needs to be fun for the both of you. That is how she will learn and get better. I need to get my but to a show and just go and have fun. Soon.

    1. I talk as well- it does help even if it just makes sure that we're breathing!


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