
Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Ides of March

Warning: this post has no real theme, just some random updates and such. Continue at your own risk of boredom.

Spring time is always busy on the farm. There's the usual clean up from winter, the fixing of fencing and seeing what needs to be done as the weather warms. It's also when I start getting really itchy to not just ride but to get more serious about training.

The weather has not been cooperative- it's been cold and snowy.  Slowly, things are getting a bit more temperate but I'm finding it hard to want to ride when it's cold out. It's easier to keep going when fall turns to winter then to start up in spring unless it's warm(er).  I know once I start it will be easier to keep going.

Having a puppy has added an extra layer to the equation. Guinness though is showing signs that he's going to grow into a great dog. There's been a few nights where he slept right through which has been nice. His 'come' is improving, 'sit' is pretty much perfect and 'down' is coming along. He knows the drill in the barn and other than wanting to coming into the stall with me when the horses are there, there is no trouble.

Plus he's seriously cute:
d'Arcy teaching him the 'cute and innocent' look

Why is she stopping?
She does it all the time when she has that black box 

finding treasures
I'm trying to figure out how to get him to let go of things- the other day he grabbed my glove. With my other dogs I would have a treat, say 'drop' and when they dropped the item to get the treat I would take it. But he seems to have a strong drive to hang onto things- I offered him a treat to exchange it and he was like 'nope, mine now'. And he loves his treats. I wonder if it's because of his bloodlines- both parents do 'shutzhund'.

This is my new favourite photo of him:
so very serious
Last night we were out for our last bathroom break and he heard something down the road (probably racoons) and he got between me and it and started to growl. We start a puppy class on Sunday and socialization will be important. I want the protective instinct but it needs to be manageable. We will start with puppy class and move on to obedience and other work.

Carmen is doing well. She had her birthday last week so is officially 7 now. The vet came to do the annual check up and shots. He thought that they both were doing well. I was pleased with how Carmen was with him- not wary and worried like last time. Both horses had their teeth floated. He started Carmen without sedation because he prefers to not sedate. Irish never needs it and he did just a bit to help her learn that it's okay. Then he sedated her and finished. Both had some points but not too bad. 

The same day that the vet came we had two old windows replaced in our house, so it was a chaotic day ending with the house looking like a bomb went off. However, the guys did a great job and were good about the dogs. Guinness was out with me for most of the day and went into his kennel when the vet came. 

How's your March going? 


  1. Guinness is seriously adorable. Love his pictures. It sounds like he's very smart and learning quickly. There's not much to do around here until the snow melts a bit. 24 inches doesn't clear up that quickly. So we're all bored and waiting for the Spring thaw so we can get back to work. I feel the same way about the cold, it's just better to Orkney outside when it's warm.

    1. Thank you! He's pretty smart and it's time to put his energy to use before he learns to use it for good instead of evil. :)

  2. Those crooked ears make my heart melt.

  3. I just can't get over that puppy's ears OMG haha. hopefully things warm up soon, and in the meantime happy bday Carmen!

    1. The ears are adorable. It's showing some signs that it might actually be spring soon

  4. Guinness has grown to be adorably handsome! Good he has D'Arcy to teach him the ropes. My youngest was born March 15, so I love the Ides of March. Been enjoying my Grandaughter time, flying back tonight. Bittersweet.

    1. Not sure that d'Arcy is always a good influence but he tries. :)

  5. My March has been weird. Weird weather, weird mood :) Guinness is adorable, those are some fantastic pictures. I'm always relieved after the vet comes and there was no mare drama and no big vet surprises!

    1. Sorry that your March has been weird. And I agree about the vet!

  6. Far from boring, this was adorable!

  7. Guinness is looking great! What a beautiful pup! I always do things with my pups that most say you are not supposed to do, like have serious wrestling and biting games, but they always know it is a game, and if they take a glove or something, I insist that I can take it back, but then I will usually let them have it again. This is just to let them know that I really am the boss, but I am a very fun, happy, and playful one. I do practice sticking my hand into their food dish or taking the food away just to make sure that there is no growling going on ever. I don't mind if they growl in play, but it definitely has to have a playful tone. So basically just act like a momma dog!! I am sure Guinness will continue to exceed your expectations! I can honestly say that all of my dogs have turned out to be great dogs.

    1. I love your dogs. I do play with him and we'll keep working on it. I had forgotten about taking away his food. I should play with that.

  8. My heart dog (GSD) was dangerously protective of me. It wasn't easy.

    My sister chose a puppy from a more German-bred litter and that dog was much more physically strong, but loved every person she ever met. It was kind of insulting to us. We couldn't let her off leash cuz she'd go bounding over to lick anyone's face she could find. Weird for a GSD. Or perhaps my sister did too much good socialization work?

    I just don't wanna try again. Mine was perfect. My heart will always long for another GSD, but I don't think I'll ever find one again who calls me her word for god.

    1. I know what you mean. I had an Australian Shepherd like that. She was fabulous. I'm hoping to build a similar relationship with Guinness.

  9. Beautiful photos, Teresa, and I love those ears!!! Makes me smile. :)

    1. thank you. He makes me smile- even when he's stealing my socks, my gloves....

  10. Spring makes me itch to get back to serious riding too. We've had a week and a half of sunshine and I've been using it! Monday starts a week of rain. Grrr. I was going to say something about those cute ears but it seems to have already been said a few times already. LOL. He is seriously adorable.

    1. I think we are very similar. The weather is supposed to get cold again this week and we're supposed to have either rain or snow depending on what side of zero we end up on.

  11. My spring vet visit for shots and teeth floats is always when I get anxious about getting out there and doing things! Guinness is getting more and more precious with every new photo. So cute!

    1. It seems to be the signal to get out and about!

  12. Guinness is looking good, rocking that flock of seagulls ear lean. :)

    It's hard to get back into riding when it's just not warm enough. We have been unseasonably wet and went from super cold to very hot in a matter of days. It didn't give us a chance to acclimate so today will be my first ride since December.
    That groundhog sure knew what he was talking about...

    1. lol- love the reference to Flock of Seagulls. :)

      Heat is very far away!

  13. I found it challenging to ride in the first couple months of integrating puppies. It may have been my attention was just really focused on the new pups. My March with horses has been great lately, except that the work on our flooded basement is starting to eat up all my free time and probably will for a while. We're taking out the walls this weekend. It really stinks.

    1. I'm hoping that I can do it all! We shall see as my vision often exceeds my grasp!

  14. March has been awful here but its getting warm out and things are clearing up, soon to have horses home and cows gone and calves born so all should be better for April.
    And Guinness is sure adorable, what better way to bring joy than a puppy :)

    1. He does bring joy. I'm glad that you will have the horses home soon.

  15. Oh Guinness <3

    March is March. The weather is turbulent, plans are flexible, and plotting and scheming horse outings consumes my mind!

  16. So, Guinness is definitely one of the cutest things I've ever seen!

  17. cute little pup gonna grow into a great dog <3 the transformation is so fun.


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