
Sunday, February 26, 2017


Two more sleeps until our house gets significantly livelier.

In the meantime the weather has turned warm and the snow is melting like crazy.

remember my post from a few days ago where the snow was practically to the 'H'? 
the ring is still a bit soggy but it's getting there. 
Last year about this time I was writing about how Carmen seemed to be more settled and mature. I would say that this year she's 'softer'. Not as on edge or sharp. When I pick out her stall it has always been pretty easy to move her over so I could get a spot but her reactions were always sharp and fast. Now the slightest touch on her haunch and she quietly steps over.  A few times I go into the barn and she's still laying down rather then leaping to her feet. Of course she would say that it's because she's too weak from hunger. 

I love her soft expression in this photo- it's fairly typical these days. 

When I was having lunch with Carmen I was telling her that I'm starting to realize how similar Carmen and I are. It was brought home to me a month or so ago when I was walking a trail. I was trying to get in my 5 km. I had my hood up and I was in my groove striding along. All of a sudden I heard 'Hello' from the woods on my right. 

'JESUS CHRIST' I yelled and jumped sideways about 10 feet. 

I spun and looked around to see an elderly couple standing in the trees about 25 feet off the trail. 
'Oh my heart- you scared the crap out of me'
'I'm sorry. ' said the older man. He explained that they had found a geocache. I could see that he was trying hard to not laugh at me. His wife looked offended- probably at my initial yell. But heck, it wasn't like I planned to jump around the trail swearing. 

I realize that that's what Carmen does when something startles her- she jumps sideways (and likely is swearing). 

I want my opinion to be heard and I will be quite persistent. I'm okay if the decision goes differently then I think it should as long as I'm heard.  I'm pretty sure that sounds familiar. 

I often have far too many thoughts in my head. 
Carmen often has a very busy brain. 

I get frustrated if I don't understand the task or I think I'm failing. 

I'm pretty sure Carmen is like that too. 

Wait, could we both be perfectionists? 

Irish: You are both Mares, what were you expecting? 

Are there ways that you and your horse are similar?


  1. I am most definitely a lot like Tesla in some respects: I almost never needed a spanking as a kid - a change of voice tone was enough to set me straight (sensitive much? haha!). I was very concerned about things being fair - and specifically being punished unfairly - one 6th grade teacher kept the entire class in at recess if one kid behaved badly (needless to say, I was transferred to a different class after crying for a week). So my similarity to Tess gives me an advantage: I have a bit of insight into what she is thinking. Tesla also has traits that are not my strong points and has pushed me to grow: she is very open with her emotions, while I tend to be less so, she wants a lot of affirmation, and I'm usually not one to sing-song flatter incessantly (although now I am that person!) Tess also wants a strong leader, and I am usually a reluctant leader, so I've had to step up my boundary drawing game. A great topic!!

    1. It's been interesting for me to think about it this way- I wonder if it will change how I deal with her?

  2. Irish comment is perfect. I would've jumped out of my skin too!

    1. Lol= I know- who expects elderly people to lurk in the woods?!

  3. Puppy, puppy, puppy!!!! Anticipation builds!!!

    1. Stop it! You're making me I dreamed of puppies all night!

  4. Haha, I love this. I also have many similarities to Katai, or she does to me :) Both perfectionist, both of us like to be right, etc

  5. Huh that's so interesting! It makes sense tho - and Carmen is lucky to have someone who understands her so well! Im not sure how similar I am to my current horse, and honestly Isabel and I probably weren't a super close match either. But that understanding is still there so it still works out

    1. Yeah- I don't think that you have to match. In fact it might make it easier if you are different!

  6. Interesting post. I wonder if Gem and I are more similar than I think.

  7. It's an interesting subject for me, because my mares are so different! I think I have personality traits in common with both of them, but also a lot of differences. Perhaps as our partnerships grow their (or my?) personalities will change a little?

    1. Yes- I'm not like Irish much but I don't think you have to be. I just found it interesting to think on. :)

  8. Well they do say owners resemble there pets....maybe horses too??

  9. I have heard this idea before, that we tend to be like our animals. I think I can see it in both. But...they're both gluttonous and lazy... I'll just omit that characteristic. lol

  10. I laughed really hard at your spook. I spook at times too. I have actually jerked the wheel because of a plastic bag in the road before. Whoops.

  11. Yes, and I often wonder if I've made them like me, or vice versa, or if I choose similar personalities to begin with.

  12. Isn't it funny how much we are like our pets? I feel like they are a direct reflection of ourselves.


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