
Saturday, February 18, 2017


Remember when I said that I was giving the horses February off?



I have to keep reminding myself of that.

From last year
The truth is I can't ride anyway- the snow is too deep.

But I want to.  After all it's been three whole weeks. 

And because the weather is cold I can't really be outside. There's too much snow to even snowshoe- it will need to pack down.

Today I was bored. I cleaned the stall, the barn, the tack room, scrubbed the buckets and then returned to the house.

yes I am a hardcore BTVS fan

So bored that I even contemplated doing housework.

I can recognize a crisis when I have one so I put a plea out on FB to save me from myself.

My friend Heather saved the day by suggesting I try this game called 'pickleball'. It's a tennis like game played with large 'ping pong' type rackets.

I like to try to learn something new every year and I hadn't figured out that was yet so this seemed like a good idea. We arranged to meet and she showed me the ropes. Heather teaches Grade 1 so she's a great teacher and very patient.

Turns out that it was a lot of fun. I quite liked the game and I signed up for 10 passes. It will help me stay in shape and out of trouble until the snow melts.

What do you do when you can't ride? Do you get bored?


  1. I get ridiculously bored! I really enjoy carpentry, so often will create something there. Or, if I'm without tools I have a big sketchbook I fill with ideas. For the physical side, mountain biking is my substitute, or rowing at the gym if the weather's too awful. I'd like to try pickle ball, and fencing. Both seem quite popular here.

  2. Pickleball sounds fun! I try to do horse-related reading or volunteering if I can't ride sometimes :) So it will be March!!

    1. I got a little burnt out with the horse volunteering but I do like watching training videos. I cannot wait for March.

  3. Ugh I hate when I cant ride! I am lucky we swim once a week, and I enjoy carpentry but its a summer sport around here. They just started up Pickleball in Hanna this fall seems popular although I have not tried it yet. Anything to avoid housework ;)

    1. it seems to be popular - it's a fun way to burn some calories. :)

  4. Well it's great that you're not thinking about flaying someone in murderous revenge. *whew*

  5. Ugh two winters ago when our arena at Isabel's farm was frozen solid for months, my friend and I actually hauled out 3x wkly to keep the horses in work. I don't regret that.... But damn it was a LOT of time and energy. Luckily last winter was more mild and this winter I'm at a barn with an indoor. Hopefully your weather conditions improve soon for riding!!!

    1. I've thought about doing that but it would involve digging out the trailer and I am feeling not motivated. I do think it's good for her to have a break- it was an intense year for us. it's just me.....

  6. We've had some wonderful weather, alas with Mini's I can't ride. Yes, it does make me sad. I've been spending lots of time with them so it eliminates some of that. In shape? What's that? 😜

    1. lol, you need a nice little QH to ride and keep those minis in line.

  7. Winter is boring! Never heard of picke ball, sounds like fun. I read a lot and I'm also rehabbing an old historical house from 1750 so that's taking up a lot of my time with painting etc. just finished the kitchen cabinets.

    the kitchen cabinets.

    1. wow- I would love the see photos of your reno- it's sounds fabulous.

  8. Three weeks is a long time. I am happy to be an enabler and say get on a horse, even if it is a two-minute bareback sit going nowhere kind of thing because of well, too much snow. But pickleball sounds fun!

  9. I wish I got bored. Toddler wrestling keeps me busy. I generally have to scrape the time together to get to ride and even then it's hit or miss these days.

    1. I remember those days! They will pass. Promise.

  10. I rarely am bored, I always have a long list of things to do. I do like to read though. And I usually clean tack ONLY when I pop in a good movie I have seen at least 3 times :)

  11. ugh I get so bored and anxious. I am so glad that I do not live where there is a real winter. I would redefine cabin fever not being able to ride.


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