
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Snow Ride or Carmen thinks I've Lost My Mind

We had our first snowstorm of the year on Monday. I ended up coming home early from work and I was glad I did - the roads were terrible. The horses were hiding in their stalls when I came home but the wind was blowing the snow into the barn so I closed the doors.

The storm ended late in the day and I opened the doors to let them back out while I cleaned stalls. Irish hopped out and inspected all the snow before having a roll. This was Carmen's reaction:

um, excuse me, there has been a huge mistake, I am a horse of Southern Climes..

When I cleaned her stall Carmen hung out with me. She followed me into Irish's stall when I cleaned that out. I then shovelled out where the hay nets are hung and she was velcroed to me. She looked very relieved to go back in for supper.

Cynthia came out today to enjoy the first ride of the year in snow. Carmen gave me her less then impressed look as I tacked her up but I told her it was going to be fun. A crust had formed on the top so it wasn't light and fluffy like I hoped. I lunged Carmen for about 2 minutes when I realized that she was very unlikely to take off. I hopped on we walked off. Because of the snow she was really lifting her hind legs. We walked around the ring and I gave her a longish rein and asked her to move into the bit.

Carmen walked out not sure what to attend to- the snow, the potential monsters, the crazy person on her back.... In the spooky corner I felt her bunch up, thinking to spook but I didn't move and the tension melted away. Never mind. 

It's much less fun to spook when the ground has a grip on your feet.

We spent about 30 minutes just walking. The snow was making her really lift her hind legs and slow down- that made it really easy to feel the timing of asking her to bend. It was fun to play at just a walk and bend.

The air was cold but the sun was shining and the snow was beautiful. These type of days make winter enjoyable.  As we marched around the ring I could feel Carmen starting to enjoy the experience with me. She developed a forward rhythm and marched into contact.

humans are crazy, aren't they Irish?
Yes, but these ones are basically harmless. 

I might be having fun but not sure I want to let her know it. 

I love the first snow ride of the year.


  1. I've only seen it a few times, but snow does seem to encourage some extra hock action. Sounds like a great ride!

    1. I enjoy riding in fresh snow. It's good for the horses too as long as it's not icy or too deep.

  2. I'm glad you and Carmen and Irish and Cynthia all enjoyed your first snow ride. And like they said at least you're basically harmless!

  3. This sounds like so much fun!! I'm hoping to get out and ride in the snow this year before it all melts :)

  4. ha the last time i rode in the snow my mare took all that extra hock action a step further and was straight up porpoising. so so so fun :)

    1. Yes- when it's fluffy cantering in the snow is a total blast.

  5. How fun! I used to love riding in the snow with my horse in college.

    1. If you move you might get a chance to do it again. :) or if you visit you can ride one of the ponies.

  6. I'm looking forward to riding in the snow! It's great for strengthening stiles!

    1. That's for sure. Which also means being careful to not strain something.

  7. I rode Camryn in the snow once. loved feeling the force as she plowed thru. Being built like a plow I'd guess it was easy for her

  8. Since Winter arrived, loudly announcing itself, we have not yet had a "nice winter day". I am sure there are some brilliant winter rides ahead of us, but right now, @-19*C & windy, they seem impossible.

    1. -19 is too cold to anything but huddle by the fire!

  9. Oooh, you make a great point about snow making them pick up their feet/legs more to make cueing things more interesting! Can't wait for it to actually SNOW here so I can experiment.


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