
Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Surprises

First of all I have settled on the new photo header for my blog. Thank you to everyone who voted and commented and especially to CFS who sent me her version (which I really liked). I'd like to share this story with you. It is based on real events and is true, in spirit if not in reality. 

It was Christmas eve on Oakfield Farm and everyone was asleep. 

Or were they?.....Strange thumps and shuffling was coming from the tack room of the barn. 

Irish: Come on Carmen, stop poking your nose into the bins and come over here and help. I can't hold the paper and put the tape on at the same time! 

Carmen: Hold your horses (*giggle, get it?), I'm justing checking the quality of the feed. 

C'mon, I talked Ed into leaving the door open and I promised that we would be good. 

Who's Ed? 

You know, the male servant. 

Ohhhhhh. Okay, here let me hold this down while you put the tape on..

Dang it- now it's stuck to my nose. Humans make this look so easy. 

Well they do have hands. Here, let me help. 

More rustling, some mild swearing and then a loud sigh was heard coming out of the tack room. 

Irish: There it's done. 

Carmen: It looks very pretty. She's going to be very surprised. 

Let's go back to the stall. 

Just a second, let me grab a quick apple...


Okay, okay, keep your blanket on, it's just that I'm STARVING. 

Get in your stall while I close the door with my rump. 

*more rustling and the gentle sliding of stall doors. Carmen settles down into the shavings and Irish begins to doze. 


zzzz- much- yes? 

Won't she see that the latches on our stalls are open? 

Nope. Martin said he'd come by later and slide them closed. Now go to sleep. 


Now what? 

I'm glad that I came here even if there is too much snow. 

Yes, me too. 

On Christmas morning I was up and went to the barn. I  opened the tack room door there and was surprised to see a large wrapped present. The tag said it was from Carmen and Irish. I was really curious but I have my priorities and fed the horses and cleaned out their stalls first.   After I turned them out I opened the present:

The box promises that the hose is impossible to kink. We shall see because I have the uncanny ability to tangle anything. However, I love the length of it, how it's all enclosed and that it pivots.
The horses really understand what a farm girl wants....


  1. What sweet horses to give you a hose...and not steal any apples ;)

  2. Ooh interesting concept about the hose. I'll be curious to hear how it works out. I've kinda come to the conclusion that all hoses are terrible and will tangle or kink or burst eventually, and the water chores are definitely my least favorite lol

    1. We shall see! I'm hoping that it will work. I've been eying the heated hoses so that I don't have to lug buckets in the winter!

  3. Your horses are so thoughtful! Glad you got such a great surprise from them, and props to them for not eating all of the treats they could find :)

  4. Such thoughtful horses! Let us know if the hose works out! I can tangle anything too!

  5. LOL! Awesome! So nice of those horses to grow opposable thumbs overnight and wrap that gift for you. I should take a picture of my hose set-up. I have three, supposedly unkinkable hoses, hooked up to one water outlet with a four-spigot adapter, so that I can water the trees, fill two water troughs, and fill a bucket all at the same time. Hoses are the bane of ranching. Glad you got a good one.

  6. What a thoughtful horses you have! (And hubby) Merry Christmas! Love the new header, btw. It's perfect!!

    1. Thank you- I'm pleased with how it worked out!

  7. Your horses are very kind and generous! :)

    1. yes they are! I will have to remember that when they are driving me nutty.

  8. Great gift! I bet only horse people can appreciate getting an un-kinking hose for Christmas and loving it. Good thinking on your parts Carmen and Irish!

    1. I hope that it's as good as advertised but they were very thoughtful anyway.

  9. Horses do give lovely gifts. I am glad you had a wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas!

  10. That's a great present that they got you!

  11. OMG, I could totally use one of those!!
    My 3 nags got me NOTHING. Well, nothing but attitude about the weather & the fact that the cattle are allowed to free feed hay. Come to think of it, those dang cows are probably why the horses didn't get me a present!

    1. Cows ruin everything! I will let you know if it works as advertised.

  12. Let us know how the hose works out for you!!


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