
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Not a Slow News Day

Monday was forecast to be sunny and warm. I had some time to use up so it seemed a no brainer to take  the day off.

In the morning during feeding Carmen was as quiet as a mouse. I looked out the tack room door and she was standing at the door quietly and Irish had his head out the by her with his ears pinned. He seemed to be saying 'don't even THINK about it'. I guess he didn't want any more shows in the morning.

On blogger I found out that I actually won Horse Hack's contest! I was surprised and thrilled. I've been perusing the Riding Warehouse website to see what I want. One of the things I like about this contest (aside from winning) was that I found a whole bunch of new blogs! So thanks Aryelle!

Cynthia came out in the afternoon for us to ride. Carmen was quiet during the ground work and when I got on. She became a bit spooky into the ride but honestly it felt less like worry and more like 'I don't wanna'. I worked through it but her transitions were sluggish with threatens to spin. Finally I had enough and we went on a circle at a walk. I asked her to trot and she balked so I tapped her with the crop. She hopped into a trot. A few more of that sequence and she was going forward off the leg like she needs too. After that our schooling got much better. 

Over the weekend my dog had started coughing. I thought that she might have picked up a virus so I made an appointment for her on Monday. By the time we got to the vets she was lethargic but I was still thinking that she had a virus. Turns out that she was in congestive heart failure. I have some drugs for her but I'm not sure how she will do.  Last night I was really questioning if I had made the right decision to bring her home. She couldn't stand on her own and had no interest in food or water. I slept downstairs on the couch with her in case she needed me. I didn't want to leave her alone. Around 5 a.m. she got up and drank. She seems better this morning so I hope she improves. I will not keep her with me if she's suffering.

Belle was a dog we got through an Australian Shepherd rescue. She spent her first 4 years in a cage being used for breeding. She had no idea how to exercise or be around other dogs. Boys made her react very defensively. But her last 8 years with us have been great for her and she's been very happy.

12 years is not a bad life-span for a dog but it still seems far too short. 



  1. You and Belle will be in my thoughts. I hope the meds do the trick. I wish dogs lived as long as horses, or people 😔

  2. She's an awesome dog. Reminds me of my Aussie Maggie with her coloring. I lost her in January at 12 due to kidney failure. It's hard but like you I won't let an animal suffer. You'll know when the time has come, she will let you know. And,yes, the time they spend with us is way too short. Good luck with the meds, I hope they help her.

  3. Congrats on winning the contest. So sad about Belle.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that Belle isn't doing well. She sounds like such a sweetie <3

  5. She's beautiful and you have given her the loving home she deserved!! I hope the medication helps her and she can live a little longer with you.

  6. Congrats on winning, but so sorry to hear about Belle's situation. My sweet little jrt Q will be 14 in January. We just had our yearly vet visits here at the farmette. While it's the wisest course of action, I reluctantly got a blood panel done, and braced myself for the results. I hope the meds are effective.

  7. Congratulations on winning the blog contest, you deserve it.

    I am sorry about your dog. It is so hard. It's a dogs only fault that they do not live long enough.

  8. So sorry for your loss. She sounds like one awesome girl.

  9. A well deserved win! I hope Belle is feeling better.

  10. Oh poor Belle. My old dog, Chakra, had heart failure too. She lived for years with it on daily medication with very little coughing and no suffering. In the end I had to have her pts because of cancer, nothing to do with the heart failure. Hopefully the meds do the trick for Belle. And if not, she has a beautiful kind owner who will do the right thing by her, so she will be ok. <3

  11. Congrats on winning. I'm so sorry about your dog; that's the worst.

  12. Thinking of you and your sweet Belle. I can't imagine spending four years in a cage. What a horrible life you rescued her from.

  13. Congratulations on winning - and hugs to Belle.


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