
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Carpe Diem

The weather has turned cold and wintery. I know I shouldn't complain because it's almost December and I do live in Canada....but still I am not looking forward to no longer being able to school Carmen.

On Saturday she was really spooky and reactive. I had to get off and lunge her again. I realized that I hadn't worked out her energy before getting on and it came back to bite me on my behind. Or it was the energy generated by wearing electric orange. When I got back on she was still pretty wired but knowing that I might not have another day for a bit I dug deep and rode through it all. In the end we both survived and we were both sweaty. But it seemed that we had gained something in the process.

Sunday was a winter storm so no riding was possible. Monday was not stormy but pretty raw and windy and I decided that riding was not an option. However, on both days I brought her out and gave her an in depth grooming. She's a bit funny about it- at first she makes grumpy faces but as I go along she relaxes more and more until she's quite relaxed and happy. On Monday when I came home from work I head a nicker and looked over to see her watching me intently.

Today I rushed home from work, unloaded the feed and shavings I had bought and prepared the stalls to bring the horses in. Carmen hung around while I puttered. Irish stayed up in the field - I'm pretty sure that's a trap. 

In the ring Carmen was a bit worried at specific areas but halted as soon as I asked. When I got on she was tuned in and listening. While the spooking is still a work in progress it's getting easier and easier to keep her attention and/or get it back. I was quite happy with the trot work- it was forward and energized. I sat up and thought 'canter' and she lifted into this forward and rhythmical canter I had to smile. We did a few circles with just one baby flail that quickly sorted out. I brought her back to walk and halted and hopped off. I had only been riding 30 minutes but it felt so good. We were both pretty pleased with ourselves.

yes another photo from our last lesson- which is good because
we have another one booked

I'm hoping that we can keep working for a bit longer.


  1. Crossing my fingers for a mild winter for you :)

    1. Once it gets really cold I'll be happy to not ride. It's when it's like this that it's hard.

  2. Winter is so inconvenient!! One year I basically ran myself into the ground trying to haul the horse out enough to local indoors to keep her ridden. Not sure it was worth it...

    1. I thought about that but digging the trailer out would be a pain

  3. Crossing my fingers for you as well! Living in MN I know exactly how that goes when you don't have an indoor and how tough it is.

  4. Winter has landed here in Manitoba too. Keeping up with any sort of training routine sure gets hard without an indoor. :(

  5. I live on short rides lately with the worsening weather and short days. Some is better than none!

    1. I don't mind short- as long as they are productive.

  6. Glad you got some work in even though the weather is turning colder. Maybe it will be a short winter and you'll be able to ride more often. Fingers crossed for you.

    1. as long as the ground doesn't freeze we'll be okay.

  7. We haven't gotten cold yet, but it's been raining with 40 mph wind gusts. Not exactly riding weather. Vacations are good for productivity, right?

  8. I'm surprised you're not snowed in already. It finally got cold here this week.

    1. Not yet. We will often get some snow fall but it's doesn't linger. The ground will freeze around Christmas (or later). Every year is different but usually I can do some riding up to New Years. After that it's usually all over.

  9. So far we are having a mild winter, but I imagine that will change rather quickly.


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