
Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Epic Trailer Ride

The plan was to leave around noon.  I spent the morning getting everything ready so when Cynthia arrived we could load and go.  After the briefest of hesitations, Carmen walked right on.

We headed out and the sky was sunny. The journey involved the highway and then cross- country to Karen's.  As we turned off the highway there was a big black cloud.  We drove into a torrential rainfall. I could barely see 20 feet but after a few miles we drove out and I breathed a sigh of relief.  About halfway we saw cars stopped and we came to a standstill. Cynthia got out and she came back with the report of a very bad accident around the bend with emergency crews and ambulances.

Cynthia consulted as to how we could turn around and we were told to turn down this side road and it would take us back to the main road.  I turned down it but I figured I could back up and turn around to go back on the main road.  Which I did. As we drove by the guys in the road they gave me a round of applause

Now we had to backtrack to the highway and go around via Halifax.  This added over an hour to our trip.  We also drove in and out of that rain cloud 4 times.  By the time we arrived I eats tired and I needed a washroom.  But the horses were troopers and Carmen unloaded as calm as you would like.  She settled into her stall like a seasoned campaigner.

I was ready for my horse weekend to begin.


  1. Holy moly! That is one epic trip! Glad they shipped well and came out unconcerned. Looking forward to the next installment of this story :)

  2. I have to ask - what area were you trailering too? :) I am thinking I know of the accident you had to reroute to avoid :)

    1. I was going across the Windsor road- hwy 14. I hope that no one was seriously hurt

    2. I thought as much - that accident was near home. Glad you made it ok and the weekend exceeded expectations!!!


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