
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Winter Fun

While I was in Virginia we were hit with a massive blizzard. We now have so much snow that there's no more places to put it.

And we were luckier than PEI: check out these photos

I have to lead the horses in and out because their  sliding doors to the outside are buried. However, we now have a routine so there's no hassle. I haven't had much time to enjoy the snow. By the time I've finished my chores and snow removal all I can think of enjoying is a hot chocolate and baileys.

Or wine.

And snacks. 

 Tomorrow we're supposed to get a lot of rain. Yesterday, as I was engaging in my usual after work fun, aka shovelling,  I saw that the shed roof had quite a bit of snow on it. Having that collapse would be a major pain in the behind (the tractor lives there). So I decided to climb up and shovel it off. Don't be too impressed

See- I just had to climb up the snow bank ( FYI the shed is about 7 feet tall).

I hopeful that the rain wont cause flooding but, since I can't do anything to stop it, I've decided that it's the beginning of the spring thaw. 

Somewhere under that snow is my fence and grass.


I received this photo of Charlante in Virginia today:
It's good that she's getting used to snow, but she does not look too impressed. But if she's going to become a Canadian citizen she better get used to it.

And speaking of winter, I'm entered in this contest on FB for a winter blanket. The photo with the most likes wins. I love this photo of Irish, Steele and d'Arcy
Board Meeting
so if you can click on this FB link and 'like' it, I would greatly appreciate it.  My photo is in the 7th row. Yes, it's shameless but you know how I feel about blankets.

Thank you. :)


  1. Hi have even more snow than we have up in New Glasgow...tried to find your photo by following the link so I could "Like" it...but could not find it anywhere in the photos I saw...Will try again from a computer in the A.M.

  2. That snow is UNREAL. I love the picture of Charlante. Yes, she looks unimpressed but her face is so kissable. ...and you know how much I love your photography. :)

  3. We voted - it looks like you could use all the blankets you can get... ;p

  4. I can't believe how much snow you have! Charlante will definitely have to get used to snow. I found your photo and voted. Good Luck!

  5. Brr!! Will go and vote for your photo right away :)

  6. Oh wow! I've never seen so much snow! That is insane!!!!! I hope it melts soon without flooding. I voted for you in the contest.


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