
Monday, August 18, 2014

quiet on the set

Last week two friends came by to see how Steele and I were coming along. Cindy brought her camera and took some photos for me. She also took some video.  I spliced a few together to give you a glimpse of how we're doing.

I really appreciate that they took the time to do this for me. It will allow me to track our progress.

So if you are really bored here we are (please don't judge us too harshly- we're both trying our best)


  1. Steele is so beautiful! And you ride him very well.

  2. You guys look great!! Steele is so handsome and still so leggy! I hope you don't mind that there is a possibility he could get taller lol. I love how responsive he is on the longe. I wish I could longe Chrome. I think it would help with some of our communication issues. Oh well.


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