
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Is it time for the mid-life crisis?

Today is my Birthday. I have now been on the planet for 50 years.

It seems that if I'm going to have a mid-life crisis now would be the right time (of course I'm going to make it to 100). But what is a mid-life crisis and what would that look like exactly? I did what anyone would do in my situation- I turned to the internet. Based on my research this is a time when I'm supposed to question my choices in life and may make rash decisions. Hmm. Nope. I think I'm good. I guess that is one thing about aging that I will forego. I am still rediculously happy with my home, children, husband, career and critters. Not that I would say that our lives are perfect. Far from it. We have our stressers. I'm not always as smart, kind, pretty or as thin as I would like. I am thrilled that I managed to drop 25-30 pounds the past few months and feel in great shape.

I returned home last night from a conference. I woke up this morning happy to be home and eager to get out to the barn and greet the horses. I had a ride on Irish and then worked with Steele. The sun is shining Ed is barbecuing steaks.

And what does a woman want for her 50th birthday?


Ed picked it up while I was away. I took it for a test drive today. It's a sweet ride. I no longer trusted our previous tow vehicle but now I can hit the road......

Since it's not a convertable but a very practical and handsome vehicle, I've decided that this doesn't count as a mid-life crisis. However, if I start talking about running away to South America and living on an island you may want to sit on me until I calm down.


  1. Happy birthday! Good choice for a new truck. I will be turning 50 this year too! Shhhhh.

  2. No way Teresa - my 50th is tomorrow! T(he only way I would be more jealous of your mid-life crisis gift is if it were a full sized tractor.) ;D

    Many happy returns to you!

    1. Happy Birthday to you too! The truck is fabulous.

  3. Happy Birthday!!! and YES that is definitely a sweet ride!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!! And congrats on the awesome weight loss! And on the new truck!! I love it! If that's a mid life crises then I don't dread having one someday hehe. :D


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