
Monday, September 17, 2012

The Blanket Inspector

The weather is turning cooler so it's time for me to start blanketing Irish. I put his sheet on Sunday. As I turned him out I said "now don't let Steele tear it off". He gave me a look that spoke volumes.

Any bets on how this is going to go?

On a lighter note, I have to say I have the two cutest faces ever:


  1. Horse blankets and fly masks -- they think they're toys. Very cute faces tho!

    1. these days, for Steele, everything within reach is a toy. He's been eying my camera lately.....

  2. Steele's face looks so innocent in the second picture. I have yet to try a blanket on my youngun. I feel like he will be delighted that I have given him something to chew on and figure out how to get out of. I have decided he is getting Bre hand me downs and she gets the new stuff since he is probably going to destroy things.

    1. he always looks innocent. :)

      I don't plan to blanket Steele at least until he's older. I want him to develop a nice thick coat. Poor Irish has a TB coat.

  3. I love both of the pictures!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the blanket survives his playful nature unscathed. :) Sorry I have to be faithful to my boys in the cuteness factor, but yours are a close second. :D

    Now I'm sad... I ran out of posts to read... any updates? :D

    1. I understand your loyalty :)

      working on more posts. :)


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