
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Steele English Dictionary- Unabridged

Hi everyone, Steele here.

since the last post was all about Irish I figured I'd better get us back on track. After all, as great as Irish is, this blog is all about me. 
Besides, Irish is not always the golden boy. Yesterday he pulled TWO shoes. You should have heard mom mutter about that!!

And it's not like it's hard to post on the internet! All I had to do was figure out her password and this typing thing.
I know that Mom is always telling you about how smart I am but I thought I'd let you know all the words I know to date:

'foot'- if she says this while running her hand down my leg she wants to pick it up so she can clean it with that metal thingy.

'whoa'- stop moving.

'over'- move away from the hand that's poking me. it was tricky to figure out how far to go. It seems that 10 feet is too far and 1 inch is not enough. Humans!

'walk in' - go into my stall or that red box on wheels beside the barn. She likes me to go in by myself. It seems that detours to check out other stuff is not allowed. sigh.

'stop it'- I'm being annoying. I hear this alot when I'm trying to chew the cross ties or inspect the wheel barrow when she's mucking out my stall.

'**&$%&^" - I'm being really annoying and am going to get in trouble. But sometimes it's worth it, you know?

'good boy'- I'm showing her how clever I am.

'pumpkin'- that's Irish

'baby'- that's me

and my favourite word of all:

Supper!! That means to come running to the barn because my feed is ready!
I don't hear that word nearly enough!


  1. LOL! Great vocabulary Steele!

    I LOVE that last photo! Wow they are both gorgeous. :D

    Chrome has never been very good about picking up verbal cues. I think maybe I'm not clear or consistent enough with them. Or maybe he's just not a good listener. Or maybe I talk too much ..... which by all of these comments you'll probably agree with that hehehehe!

    1. thanks!!

      I hear you about the talking too much!!! I think the courses I did with dog training helps with the horse training. :)

    2. Me too! I'm actually a certified dog trainer, but I'm too chicken to pursue it lol. I think everyone should learn to train animals..... then kids might be better behaved LOL! Everyone gives me a really weird look when I tell them that training dogs and kids is similar. :)


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