
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mr. Perfect

I know that you are all wondering how the wee man is doing these days so I thought that I would give a bit of an update. As you know, previously he was testing a few boundaries. I had to go away for work for a few days so I made sure that we had a repeat lesson before I left. There was a mild bit of testing that I dealt with and then he was a model citizen.

I was away for five days in Des Moines Iowa. On monday I arrived home fatigued and jet lagged. But I went out to the barn as soon as I dumped my suitcase. Both Irish and Steele greeted me. There's nothing like a welcoming nicker from a horse to make you feel good about yourself. I took Steele out to groom him and he was as good as gold: lifting his feet when I ran my hand down his legs and said 'foot'. As my mother would say 'butter wouldn't melt in his mouth'.

This has been going on since I came home- respect for my space and sweet as pie. Today when I came home from work I was surprised by my husband building me some cavalettis in the barn. It was an interesting tableau: Ed with the power saw out in the aisle making the cross pieces. Being carefully supervised by Steele. It was quite cute the interest he was showing in the whole process. The air compressor, power saw, hammering, drilling were not an issue. My husband is doing a great job sacking out the horses, all unconscious. I took Steele out into the cross ties and again he was perfect. Even with all the ruckus. What I love is how brave he is in the face of stuff- being curious rather than freaked out.

I am keeping this post so that when he's bad again- I can look back and remember why I decided to get a baby. :)


  1. Just found your blog. Great idea to record the good stuff so you can read it on 'a rainy day'. I'm looking forward to reading about your progress.

  2. Also, the banner picture is gorgeous!

  3. Brett does the same -- working with his power tools in the barn aisle where it is cool and clean. The horses stick their heads out and watch. It is great sensory training, as you said.

  4. I am just blown away by the similarities between Chrome and Steele!!! Chrome was/is the exact same way about stuff like that. He's infinitely curious and nothing bothers him at all. Like literally I don't think he's ever been scared a day in his life (okay so maybe the trailer is a little scary). :D I'm glad Steele is being a sweetheart and making it up to you for his naughty behavior.


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